Vag 1.8t boost control setup help needed

VW Passat 1.8t APU with 150hp.
Siemens deka 630cc injectors.

First of all if map show 120 kpa it is the same as 20kpa Boost, Boost target and Boost dc table X axis, could be nice if all numbers would be same.

Have problems with Boost control, when i add too much % in Boost DC table ecu cut the power @ 3krpm, but in log i can not find the reason of cut.
Red line on the graph is run with boost disabled, Blue line boost is active and something limiting @ 3k rpm. Can anybody help to find the right way for boost control setup.
Log from run where is limiter (blue line).

boost dc table test.emublog3 (162.6 KB)

Boost is a boost and MAP is a MAP.
Boost is a MAP - Baro and boost controller uses Boost as it makes more sense than using MAP. For example you can easily scale Boost target.

It doesnt look that there is a fuel cut. Looking at the log and very short coils dwell time I thin there are missfires. Try to increase the dwell time.

ok, tnx will try and let you know. is there a way that misfire can be detected?

no. in most situation you will see lean spikes on the log.
and also if you increase the boost and engine start to misfire on higher boost in most situation it is connected to weak spark

Changed dwell and that did not help i try to double dwell, no success. On oem ecu did 196hp & 282nm no problems, now i have 158hp & 196nm can not get forward, when add boost DC get cut buy unknown reason(probably spark).
So my dwell was 2ms@14v, 2,2ms@13v
So now i tried dwell up to 5ms with no success, also i checked my old ecu settings where was same coils on Vems ecu and dwell there was 2.18ms@13v engine was running without spark issues i5 10vt 370hp&500nm.
Maybe need less gap for spark plugs? but why oem ecu do not need it then?
I am sucked for now, any advice please?

could you please publish longer log ? I will take a look

What I can see around 3000 your engine starts to be suddenly lean.
That can cause the misfires:

I cant see any issues with the trigger system

So you want me to add fuel to correct afr?
Misfires log.emublog3 (3.1 MB)

Dwell table from Halltech website

Yes try to adjust fuel to follow your lambda target.
Do you feel any misfire or sth like this ? Or just the poor engine power ?

Also if you could publish log witout boost control, where the engine doesn’t loose the power

when i do rump run i have a feeling like limiter spark or fuel cut.

Also if you have injectors control set to end of injection, try to change it to Start at ignition event.

ramp run no boost.emublog3 (154.2 KB)
rump run no boost
rump run DC20% no limit.emublog3 (125.0 KB)
rump run boost DC 20%

No cut on both logs

start at ignition event did not help

Dyno graph represent last 3 runs
Red - No boost
Blue - Boost DC20% no issue
Green - Boost DC 30% unknown cut @3k rpm
last run DC30% cut @3krpm.emublog3 (111.1 KB)
Log from last run with issue “Green”, there was cut but i was still keep throttle pressed by 5+k rpm.

Both logs look on. Now with boost DC20% the engine is too rich but the lambda is stable. Any evidence of misfire or sth wrong.
Can you post your base map ?

Both runs was smooth no evidence of misfire. In log DC30% is misfire, power loss.
project misfire.emub3 (56.3 KB)

At 3000 something is going wrong with the lambda. Can be misfire that’s the lambda increase.

I looked through your calibration and cannot see nothing suspicious. The logs also looks perfect.

Also disable CAM sync tooth window as it is not suitable in your case.


I would really suggest to replace the sparkplugs.

My spark plugs was replaced before tuning, but i changed back to old ones and car runes without issues, but not for long, when added extra boost same again, so i changed smaller gap and cut appears 1k rpm later so definitely something with spark. Ordered new spark plugs will test them 2day later.