Hey there. Whats the difference in the pnp BUB, BAM pnp EMU Black versions? Is there a difference in the hardware itself? I compare both pinpouts and for me is looks that i only have to repin some wirings from my BAM wiring harness to fit the BUB EMU. Or am I wrong?
In my experience I believe the base hardware (not including revisions from Ecumaster) are the same. The pinouts and wiring are indeed different but I’m sure someone with both OE wiring diagrams could move and PIN either EMU Black PnP out correctly for their applications.
Both BAM and BUB (and other) ME 7.1 ECU’s are remarkably similar in base wiring such as Power, grounds and Oxygen sensor locations, Crank Position etc. The difference is amount and location of Injector drivers and Ign outputs. All which could be moved and configured with wiring and Software changes within EMU Black pnp.
I’m pretty confident I could plug a BUB pnp into a BAM Engine Setup and as long as the wiring on the extra connector was correct, a base map for a BAM application would load and work. O2 sensor versions would have to be noted as there was some variance there as well between years (4.2 vs 4.9 etc). I believe my BUB is 4.9 and a BAM I recently worked with is 4.2. wiring would have to be adjusted.
Of course, none of my opinion comes with any warranty or guarantees. LOL.
I studied the pinout. The BUB black did not have VSS in, is there a chance to pin this to another input?
Better take vehicle speed from CAN. If u still have OEM ABS modul it is sending it.